Love boat

21 May

Does that not look amazing? Anyone who knows me can tell you my absolute favorite food is sushi and it’s always on the back of my mind. I just never get many chances to get some. Thats why I was so excited to see the daily livingsocial deal was for Ichiban! 20$ to go towards 40$ worth of food. Ohh hellz yeah. 😀

So My boyfriend and I enjoyed a nice dinner at Ichiban Hibachi and sushi bar. We decided on splitting the ‘love boat’. I had no idea what it was and was just excited about ordering outside of my normal rolls. I definitely wasn’t expecting it to arrive at our table on a boat! How adorable is that? and it was only 35$. Considering it filled us up and gave me my sushi/sashimi fix, it was a great price. We normally end up spending that or more just ordering seperate rolls and edamame. I have to say…I have been thinking about the next time I can go back to Ichiban for another ‘love boat’. ;P

Just had to pop in for a quick update. The rest shall come tomorrow. 🙂

Admit it…your sooo jealous of my sushi boat. 😉

6 Responses to “Love boat”

  1. Melissa @ TryingToHeal May 21, 2011 at 11:33 PM #

    just saw your comment on my blog and totally try spinach in your smoothie! i just add in a big handful and you can’t even taste it!

    • seekingrecoveryandbliss May 22, 2011 at 12:19 AM #

      I’ll give it a go tomorrow, thanks! 🙂 Just got a huge bundle of spinach today and wasn’t quite sure what I’d be doing with it all just yet.

  2. Daniel May 22, 2011 at 7:43 AM #

    Thanks for the comment you left on my page, I appreciate you sharing your experience!

    To return the favor, I remember going to State Street in Madison and eating with my AP English group senior year of high school at a sushi restaurant. We got a huge boat-style sushi platter for everyone to try too and at the time “I’m on a Boat” was new and really popular so they took pictures of me behind the boat making funny poses and such. 😛

  3. leelu201 May 22, 2011 at 3:09 PM #

    I love Sushi! So yes I am totally jealous!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog, I’m looking forward to reading more of yours!

  4. beatriceqq May 24, 2011 at 6:08 AM #

    are you a vegan?

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